Wedding Planning

7 Tips to Condition the Summer Damage Away

I don’t know about you but I can’t get this fun song of the summer out of my head!

“Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin’, and it sounds just like a song. I want more berries and that summer feelin’, it’s so wonderful and warm.” – Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles

I can literally smell and taste summer! Kind of like the smell of that awesome shampoo, conditioner or hair treatment that always gives you the best memories of a great time, or just transports you back in to the salon chair and having your hair done. Feeling that amazing scalp massage as you melt into the shampoo bowl, and wish you could have someone else wash your hair for you EVERY day! I laughed so hard at a post I saw on FaceBook a few weeks ago that said, “I’ve been asked to go home with more people at the shampoo bowl than I ever have at a bar!” It’s so true. Who doesn’t love a good hair treatment and pampering session? But how often do we go to our stylist at the right time?

Seasonal Changes

Living in Ohio we are blessed with such beautiful season changes. Fall being most peoples’ favorite for obvious reasons of cooler temperatures, crisp mornings, gorgeous rich tones of leaves and flowers still in bloom and delightful tastes of warm apple cider, caramel apples and pumpkin everything! The beginning of fall means the end of the summer. Those days out in the hot sun, fun in the pool or vacation on the beach, and LOTS of damage to that hair! Wait, did you not even think about that part???

Season changes are the perfect time to take advantage of a spot in that salon chair.

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Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

One of my wonderful co-workers was so gracious to show me her personal clients’ photos and I was so blown away that I just had to share with you! These photos are not filtered, enhanced or edited at all. These ladies simply had a haircut and their color and tones changed drastically. Take a look for yourself at the incredible differences.

Those pictures are the reason why the top tip on my list of 7 ways to hair condition the summer away is a haircut!

7 Ways to Get Your Hair Back to Health After The Summer

1. Haircut

You may not always need to go the extra mile to refresh those lovely locks. Some times you just need to get those dry, damaged, dead ends off. Parting with several inches doesn’t typically sound too good to most clients, especially if they are trying to grow their hair longer, but I assure you in that growing process your hair will look and feel so much better. Not to mention, if you have curly hair those spirals are going to bounce and look so full and beautiful with a good trim!

2. Conditioning Treatment in the Salon

Your salon or stylist is well equipped with a great treatment they can use at the shampoo bowl and let you sit for about 30 minutes to get into that hair cuticle and allow the healing to begin! This is typically an added on service and should be requested at the time you book the appointment so they can add it to the length of time your services will take.

3. Shampoo and Conditioner in Your Own Shower

There are some wonderful shampoos and conditioners you can buy to use at home to keep your hair color vibrant and lasting longer, as well as start to reverse or prevent damage to your hair. A highly recommended one is Sebastian- Penetrate. Your stylist will also be able to recommend a great one specifically for your hair type and needs.

4. Daily Repair Serum Use

Kenra makes a moisturizing oil that is light enough to not make your hair feel greasy, but strong enough to make it look and feeling great! There are several options on the bottle’s directions on how you can put it to work for you.

5. Leave-In Conditioner

A great leave-in conditioner for all hair types is a product called It’s a 10! They have a leave in spray designed with your hair in mind. Whether you need more keratin to help the hair gain some strength or you just need a little extra conditioning on a daily basis. They also make shampoo, conditioner and hair mask treatments as well, an excellent brand to recommend for everyone.

6. Home Conditioning Mask

Grab your coconut oil (hair appropriate, not the cooking kind) and moroccan oil, mix together, slather on damp hair, wrap in a shower cap, and sleep on it! Wash it all out in the morning and you will love those soft layers of beautifully strong hair!

7. Do NOT Use Hot Tools Every Day

Put the blow dryer down, back away from the straightener and DO NOT touch that curling iron. Give your hair a break! The heat from those hot tools will just add to the damage. Especially if you have terrible water in your shower and have been in chlorine most of the summer. Pools turn blonde hair green because of the large amounts of copper in the water. Malibu treatments (ask your stylist about this brand and products) will pull those metals and elements out of the hair and bring it back to life.

There are so many products out there for every hair type and need. For more of these wonderful tips from Sara Hammond please follow her Instagram page.

Do your hair a favor and give it some love today! Start with a few of these professional tips and you will be well on your way to beautiful, luscious hair again. Check out these fall trends for hair color and styles to keep those locks up to date throughout the rest of the year.