
Top 5 Fall Wedding Makeup Trends

Fall is quickly becoming the most popular time of year to get married. Seeing all the beautiful, rich tones that come with fall color palettes, it’s easy to see why! Wondering what fall wedding makeup trend would go best with your skin tone and hair color? Check out these gorgeous makeup looks.

Bold Lip

Soft Eyes

Strong Brows

Full Glam

Bold Eye

I love it when my brides and bridesmaids have a feature they like to play up like their beautiful lips, or bright blue eyes or thick and full shaped brows. Sometimes it looks better on a beautiful face to not go full glam. As long as you feel confident and like yourself (enhanced a bit) you will glow from the inside out every time!

To learn more about these looks or watch a tutorial on makeup or hair tips and tricks click on the links below. Always be sure to like and subscribe to all social media so you can tag your friends on your favorite looks and videos.