Wedding Planning

Why am I having Breakouts and Acne at THIS age?

Everyday hair styling tips

Is your skin looking different? Clogged pours? Unexplained breakouts and blemishes? Acne at this age? Let me ask you a question, when was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? Or checked the expiration date on your skin care products and makeup?

Do you know how many germs and gross types of bacteria are hiding on those dirty brushes and in those containers? Are you curious to know which one item in your beauty bag holds the highest amount of bacteria??? YOUR BEAUTY SPONGES!! Let me guide you through a quick and easy cleaning routine that just might save you from that ugly zit popping up right before that big event you’ve been getting ready for!


If you are always in a hurry like I am then you probably have those days where you are applying that makeup in the car, Uber, train, plane or in the first bathroom you can find! The problem with this? You aren’t just exposing your beauty products and brushes to the bacteria in your own home, but now to all that nastiness out there in the world. The very things we try to clean off/out of our skin, we are coming in contact with EVERYWHERE. This is why it is so important to clean your beauty bag of awesome products and your brushes regularly.

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Shelf Life

Let’s start with that little jar symbol on the back of every beauty/skin product you own. This symbol has a number on it and that number signifies the amount of time the product is safe to use, so long as it is stored and used properly. Most items are supposed to be stored in a cool, dry place to limit the amount of bacteria that can grow there. Unfortunately that amount of time decreases a bit due to the fact that we are opening it in air full of free radicals, dust particles and germs. We are also dipping our fingers or brushes into these products and adding that bacteria to them.  

How does bacteria affect you?

I could recite every study out there and go on for days about all the different types of disgusting bacteria you will find on each item in your makeup bag, but I’m sure if I haven’t lost the germaphobes by now I most definitely would with that. A few of the most common types are streptococcus and staphylococcus, these can easily be found on your skin, but other bacteria like E. coli and pseudomonas are mostly found in the digest tract and in contaminated soil and water.

I don’t think any of us have been more aware as we are now with a pandemic going on of how easy it is so spread germs. Take a second to think about all the times you come in contact with contaminated soil, water and hot tubs. Now think about all the times you touch your face and skin. Are you washing your hands, face or the surface where you lay your brushes and products before EVERY use? I highly doubt it! So what does all of that translate to and mean for you? I’m glad you asked! Let’s welcome in acne, allergic reactions, sties, and pink eye! And you are just skyrocketing your chances of contracting any of these if you share even one product or brush with someone else.

Avoiding the gross stuff

Get to cleaning! Yes, cleaning those brushes on a regular basis will kill those little germs before they start to grow and spread. How often should you clean? I suggest once a week at minimum. If you apply a full face of makeup daily, then I would say every other day cleaning. Are you worried about the bacteria on your eyeshadows, blushes and pressed powders? There is a spray for that! One of my all time favorite sprays for cleaning those palettes is rubbing alcohol, just put it in a spray bottle and mist it across the top of your powders and let dry before closing them.

Cleaning Products

Here are a few of the cleaning products I love to use for personal and bridal kit cleaning.

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If you prefer to use something stronger than your house hold dishwashing soap and olive oil mixture, Cinema Secrets is amazing. It keeps the quality of your brushes in tact and makes them squeaky clean!

Get to cleaning!

Be sure to start a regular cleaning routine, store all of your products in an appropriate environment and throw away expired beauty products. Now that you will have clean brushes and makeup to use don’t forget to wash that face daily and use a great toner, witch hazel works wonders, to keep those pours cleaned out!

Need more advice on keeping your skin clean? Check out my posts about daily skin care routines and easy everyday makeup and hairstyles! Want even more tips and tricks??? Get on that email list and let me grace you with all of the best easy to do hair and makeup!