Hair Makeup Wedding Planning

Why You Should Never Choose Your Bridal Hair and Makeup Based on Pricing

We’ve all been there, the decision of what we want and what we can afford. How you choose to budget is everything, especially for the most important day of your life! But you should never choose your wedding day hair and makeup artist based on their pricing. The good ones aren’t the cheapest, and the cheapest ones aren’t good. IT’S JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!!

You CAN love your job and not be good at it

I have the absolute pleasure of meeting and working with beautiful, sweet brides and bridesmaids every weekend. I am blessed to know I have a talent that makes people feel so good about them selves, and that I get to do it for a living! Read that last line again, I GET TO DO IT FOR A LIVING. I never realized when I leave the house to head off to a job and I’m kissing my kiddos good bye that I say the words “ I get to go work with my bride.” My family brought it to my attention one day that I actually like my job, that I have never said “ I HAVE to go work with a bride today.” You know what? They are right, in every way!

I couldn’t love my job more, but just because I love my job doesn’t mean I’m good at it. I know that sounds like I must not know what I’m doing and it must just be a hobby.

THERE IT IS, the word hobby. My job is NOT a hobby. I have spent years (over a decade to be more accurate) learning and mastering my skills. Making sure I am current on the latest trends and professional products. Not every hair and makeup artist out there doing weddings can say that. A lot, and I mean A LOT, of artists have been self-taught, use cheap products and charge more than they are worth. Or on the flip side, under charge and make those of us with a vast amount of knowledge and skill look over priced.

Disclaimer This article may contain affiliate links. When you click on these links, I may receive a small commission. It will not cost you anything, but helps me to keep providing you great content on this site. I only promote and work with brands and products I have personally used and know are great. I have been a licensed cosmetologist for over a decade, and use my education and training to bring you these amazing products. Rest assured I have your best interest at heart!

The tragedies of choosing the wrong artists

Please do not be that bride who wished they would’ve spent the extra money on themself and booked the professional artist with experience and great reviews.

I have been contacted the week of some weddings asking if I can do their wedding because their artist backed out on them. I have been contacted numerous times after a horrible trial run asking if I can work a miracle and do anything better than the look the other artist did. I have been told of stories where the artist they hired never showed up for the wedding or was extremely late (there is actually a Facebook group all about this!). But my most heart breaking messages are from brides asking me to lower my pricing to match another artist’s pricing and THEN they will book me.

Not a price match service

Any professional artists’ time, knowledge and experience are worth more than a “price-matching coupon”. This is not a big box store deal. Not all artists are created equal! I price my services fairly, and I use all professional, long lasting products. We would never ask anyone else to take a pay cut to benefit us, so why do people think it’s okay to do that to the beauty industry?

There are some great makeup enthusiasts out there, but they are not professionals. This is what professionalism sounds like, being a licensed cosmetologist or esthetician; owning an LLC, liability insurance on your business, as well as your entire working kit and self, following proper sanitation rules and regulations, can execute pretty much any style you’re asked to, and will uphold every contract signed between a client and self.

Please do not ever be a bride who degrades an artist by asking them to lower their prices for you. Any artist who has a great portfolio, great reviews, awards and years of experience will never leave you stranded on your wedding day.

If you would like to book a great professional artist for you wedding day leave a comment below and check out all of my social media pages for amazing artists in your area!